
Happenings on the Farm — Spring at Twin Oak Farms

There’s nothing quite like spring in the country, when the world seems to awaken from all corners. The sun warms the ground and pastures that were once brown, muddy and frosted begin to look green again. Trees wake up, sprout new buds and show us their rest is over. Animals come out from hiding sometimes even to our dismay as we have already had our first skunk spray of the season (We won’t ask Bailey how he felt about that).

For us this is one of our most exciting times because momma cows who have been carrying babes are finally due. This year we have been blessed 35 healthy spring calves with very few complications. We monitor our momma cows closely and typically they calve in a protected and warm pen under the barn, but every now and then we get a surprise on the early morning herd check. Princess brought her babe into the world 3 weeks earlier than we expected, but she is a good momma and handled everything on her own.

Cow and her new calf, both brown and white.

We only have a few more mommas left to calve this season and are especially excited about the selection of young heifers and bulls we will have available. Take a moment to check out some of our previous show stock (Here) Many of these little ones will find their way into a show ring and make great club calves for young 4Hers. We hope that you enjoy a few glimpses of what we get to witness every day.

Cows and calves gathered in barn.

Waiting for babies to be born is not the only thing that needs to be done in the spring. We are also prepping equipment for the very near planting season. Soon we will have approximately 100 acres of corn, and 100 acres of soybeans in the ground. In addition, we are also tending to 120 acres of hay. The majority of our crops our raised to provide high quality feed for our herd. We take great pride in providing our herd with the best possible care and that starts with a balanced and nutritious diet.